Should you consider a Trust based solution to manage your inherited assets…
Inheritance tax is now a major problem for many families. With this increase in wealth, predominantly caused by house prices, those who had previously viewed themselves as holding relatively modest estates are now facing a tax bill of 40%.
Even where Inheritance Tax isn’t a consideration there could be other reasons for utilising a trust.
With most investments and protection policies a trust based solution should be considered.

When to consider a trust
By means of examples a trust can be used to place an asset in trust for the benefit of others, or it can be used to provide an income from the asset for life, with the asset itself ultimately passing onto others.
Any tax advice would be dependent on individual circumstances and UK legislation, both of which may be subject to change in the future. Although we are not tax advisers, Accumulate Wealth Management Group Ltd can provide generic tax guidance on estate planning/tax planning. Where formal tax advice is required this should always be sought from a qualified tax adviser.